Nationalism vs Individualism

Presently, The foremost reason for proximity among states is globalization and it has a two-fold impact upon International relations, whether in the form of cooperation or conflicts. When we talk about industrialization, trade, urbanization, means of communication, then certainly,  states come closer to each other affirmatively for their development, but at the same time peculiarity of culture, religion, and tradition is the root cause of conflicts among the people and forces them to espouse individualism.

Now a day,  In the light of the democratic epoch, welfare states walking on two sides sharp sword. They are predisposed to secure the fundamental rights of the people and maintain their international relations for the manifold development of their own country as well. But globalized relationships arise many problems like terrorism, neocolonialism, capitalism, the balance of power, collective security, alliances, etc., thereby states are indispensable to protect their own identity, supremacy, and sovereignty in the pluralistic international community. Citizens of the country play a vital role to achieve this objective of the states, because sometimes by willingness or sometimes due to suppression of the states, citizens capitulate their individuality for the sake of nationalism.

As usual,  Security is the pervasive concern of the states, especially in this nuclear age and states are more anxious for their national security rather than individual rights. History is evident that nationalists like Hitler and Mussolini upheld their nationalistic feelings on the cost of human rights.  Now there is great controversy among the international scholars that to whom they need to support;  the internationalism which supports human rights, but is a gigantic peril upon nationalism or they should support nationalism, which keeps the nation stake at first rather than individualism.  Our international laws always uphold individuality and direct the states to take measures to ensure human rights to the people within their country.

On the contrary, States philosophically always show their concern for human rights but practically, they keep their national interest paramount and sacrifice the individual life and rights.

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